I daglig tale er der mange, som kender GTIN som en stregkode, men teknisk set er GTIN det nummer, som findes under selve stregkode-symbolet, og kan derfor også bruges til andre teknologier som fx 2D stregkoder og RFID tags.
This Excel import file is used to streamline the import of product and packaging data in GS1Trade Packaging. It ensures accurate and standardized data, such as product identification, packaging type, material, and weight, uploaded in accordance with the GS1 standards.
Data on products and packaging are initially filled out separately and can then be linked in the sheet.
In the sheet, you specify which packaging should be linked to which product. The same packaging can be linked to multiple products if several of your products use the exact same packaging.
You can fill in the data in any order, but we recommend starting at the component or product level.
Start by downloading templates from GS1Trade Packaging.
When logged into the system, click the 'Import' button in the top-right corner.
Next, choose whether to download one or more templates and click 'Create Template'.
Important: For each import, you must generate a new template, which is downloaded from GS1Trade Packaging. Each template is unique in its coding, and templates cannot be reused, for example, from one data provider to another.
You can now start filling out your template(s) or distribute templates to others who provide data to you.
A complete package consists of three levels. The explanation of these is as follows:
A lid, a label, and a carton are all different types of components. The same component can be reused across different packaging units.
A collection of components. The same packaging can be used for different product variants.
A product with identifiers and product name(s).
This is an example of a jar with labels on both the lid and the jar:
Use a number between 1-1000 to enter the reference ID.
Validation will check whether the same number has been used elsewhere in the sheet.
Green means it has only been used once. Red means the number has been used multiple times.
Provide a recognizable name for the component. One that can be searched for again. The name should not contain product-specific information, as the same component can be used for multiple products.
Choose the type of component. You can use the code “Other” if you cannot find a more appropriate match on the list.
Select the material of the component.
Enter the weight of the component.
Select the unit of measurement, e.g., grams.
This is an example of the finished jar, for example used for jam:
Use a number between 1-1000 to enter the reference ID.
Validation will check if the same number has been used elsewhere in the sheet.
Green means it has only been used once. Red means the number has been used multiple times.
Provide a recognizable name for the component. One that can be searched for again. The name should not contain product-specific information, as the same component can be used for multiple products.
Select the overall functional type for the unit.
This is an example of an association (a link between) components and packaging components and units:
By using the reference number of the components and units, these can be linked together.
Notice how the reference number is used twice, as each line connects a component to the same unit
This is an example of data for multiple products:
In this tab, you can enter all the products you wish to register in GS1Trade Packaging. These products can then be linked to the relevant packaging units.
This is an example of how to link units and products together:
Products can be linked with units using reference numbers. The numbers provided for the different units can be entered in this tab next to the relevant products to link products and packaging together. Note that the same packaging unit can be used for all products that share the same packaging. For example, different flavors of jam that are all filled into the same type of jam jar.
Please note that no changes should be made to the structure of the sheet or the code lists in the “Lookup” tab.
Any changes will result in the template being non-importable into GS1Trade Packaging.
Once you have prepared your packaging data and saved your Excel template on your computer, you are ready to import your data into GS1Trade Packaging, where you can continue working with it.
The first thing you need to do is open GS1Trade Packaging and click the “Import” button in the top-right corner.
Next, drag your completed Excel template file into the blue field at the top of the page labeled “Drag the file here to import or click to browse.”
The system will then begin processing the uploaded file:
If the file is correctly filled out, the status will change from “Waiting in queue” to “Import completed.” You can always see who last uploaded a file and the current or past status of the file:
Below, you can see some examples of status messages that may occur with failed imports:
For all failed imports, you have the option to download a file that shows the failed data:
When you open the Excel file with the failed data, you will see a relatively simple Excel sheet. In the sheet, you can use columns B and C to quickly identify where the error lies.
In the above image, the error refers to the original sheet in the “Product” tab. Additionally, the error in this example is due to an incorrect GTIN being entered in the original sheet.
Remember that each template is unique. This means that data will be overwritten if you import the same sheet multiple times. There are several ways to correct a failed import. If there are minor errors in your template, you can choose to fix the error in your original sheet and re-import it. This will overwrite the data that previously contained errors.
You can also use the file with the failed data to correct errors. Alternatively, you can correct or enrich the data directly in the GS1Trade Packaging user interface.
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