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Create and publish product data in GS1Trade Sync

This guide is a step-by-step user guide to help you create and publish your product data in GS1Trade Sync. Follow the steps below to create your products and ensure you share relevant information with your customers.

1. Log in to the system

Start by logging in to the GS1Trade Sync platform.

Your login details will be the same as used for our other platforms. If you do not yet have a user, please contact your administrator who will be able to create a user for you.

2. Create new item

In your "Items overview", choose ‘New Item’ and ‘New blank item’.

On the following page, please enter:

  • GTIN (using 14 digits)
  • Product hierarchy level code (always create the lowest unit first = Base Unit or Each)
  • Country of sale code (country where your product is to be sold)
  • Is Trade Item a Variable Unit (Choose “False” if your product is a regular fixed measure trade item)
  • Whether your trade item is a consumer unit
  • If your product is private label, choose ‘Advanced options’ and enter your specific data recipient. If not, simply choose ‘Next’ in the bottom right-hand corner

3. Add GPC Category Code

On the following page, you need to enter a GPC Category Code for your product. Do so by clicking the box:

You can search for your GPC code using keywords or by choosing the relevant categories.

It is important you choose the correct GPC code as this will ensure that you share the minimum required information about your product with your customers.

It is not a requirement to enter the specifications below the chosen GPC code. These may remain blank.

Once you have chosen the GPC code, click ‘Next’.

4. Confirm creation

Now you will see a confirmation of your entered information so far. By clicking ‘Create’, a draft of your product will be created.

5. Add product information

On the following page is where you enter all information about your base unit. The GPC code that you have chosen in the previous step triggers which data fields you have to enter. These will all be marked in red.

You can use the 'Checklist' on the right-hand column, or you can go through the categories on the left – they refer to the same entries and will disappear as the data fields are filled in.

Please note that at least one unit in the product's hierarchy needs to be an orderable unit. Therefore, if you register field 3069 ‘Is Trade Item An Orderable Unit’ to be false, the error will not disappear. But don’t worry – this error will disappear when you create the case as the orderable unit.

If you are unsure what information you need to enter, use the question marks on the right-hand side of each data field as they can provide a clearer description.

Please remember to regularly click ‘Save draft’ in the bottom left corner.

6. Errors vs. Warnings

When you have completed all the red fields, there will no longer be any ‘Errors’ in your checklist. There might however still be ‘Warnings’. These are fields that are often found to be relevant for the chosen product type but are not always a requirement.

Here you need to look at the product’s packaging as it is presented to the consumer. If the information is present on the packaging, you need to fill the information in the mentioned fields. If this information is not on the packaging, then you just leave these fields blank.

7. Creating the case

If the base unit is part of a case, the case needs to be created before you publish the data.

You do this by clicking ‘Add to packaging’ and then ‘New packaging’.

Then complete the information in the same way as with your base unit.

8. Publishing your product

When you have entered all the information about your product, click ‘Publish Preview’ in the lower right-hand corner.

Under the heading ‘Who should see this’, you will see that your data is automatically set to be ‘public’. If you want your data to only be accessible to specific data recipients, click on the box, and you will be able to change ‘Public’ to ‘Restricted’.

If not, merely click the ‘Publish’ button in the bottom right-hand corner.

9. Item overview

Once published, your data will be presented in your item overview as ‘Published’ and ‘Live’ instead of as ‘Drafts’. Only the top unit in the product’s hierarchy should have the publication status ‘Published’ – all underlying units should have the publication status ‘Live’.

10. Making additional changes

If you need to make additional changes to your published data, simply mark the unit and choose ‘Edit’ above.

If you make any changes to your published data and merely save the information, you automatically create a draft of the existing unit. Drafts are only visible to you.

In order for these changes to be visible for your data recipients, you need to re-publish the data as demonstrated in step 8. Then the draft will disappear from your item overview, and the new information will be available to your customers.

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Create and publish product data in GS1Trade Sync


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